Marilyn Monroe
So I am borrowing this idea from another blog
written by Joel Runyon and his list of impossible things. While it is interesting to read about someone accomplish their goals, I decided to adapt his idea and create a list of my own. These are things that I want to accomplish, have dreamt for a long time to accomplish, and finally have come to the conclusion that I am going just go for it and accomplish my list of impossible things...
Life Goals:
Live according to quality of life not quality of things
To not procrastinate
Fitness Goals:
Walk 10,000 steps a day for an entire week
- Walk 10,000 steps for an entire month
- Run 5K
- Run 10K
- Run a Half Marathon
- Run a Marathon
- Run Hood to Coast (Oregon)
- Complete a headstand, wheel, crow, and side crow in yoga
Visit every continent:
North America- South America
- Europe
- Africa
- Asia:
- Australia
- South Pacific
PacificAtlanticGulf of Mexico- Indian
- Artic
- Southern/Anartic
Meet up with my sister somewhere in the world for vacation (when I am teaching overseas)
Travel with my family outside of the United States
Go hiking outside of Oregon
Go hiking in another country
Visit the public libraries in major cities across the United States:
- Library of Congress in Washington D.C.
- New York Public Library
- Boston Public Library
Minimalism Goals:
- commute by walking, biking, or public transportation of a whole month
- transfer my important documents to digital format
- organize my pictures
- reduce my clutter to under 300 things
- Pay off my student loans
- Save 3 months income
- Preform in a community play
- Ace the perfect job interview
- Hot-air balloon ride
- Check out the martial arts studio a few blocks from the yoga studio (trust me this is a big one for me)
- Take belly dance classes
- Perform with a belly dance troope
- the opera
- the ballet
- dance performance
- Broadway show on Broadway
- a live concert
- Full time teacher or school librarian
- Teach at a low-income school
- Obtain grants for my international girls group for camp
- Summer internship through the National Endowment for the Humanities
- Publish an oral history book
- Teach at an international school w/my son Vincent in China or somewhere else
- Finish my school assignments early or on time: HOT (Homework on Time)
- Be a role model for my son
- increase my blog readership/ inspire others through my blog
- be of service to my family and friends
- obtain my goal weight of 145-155 lbs (somewhere in that range)
- learn to play piano again--learn 10 songs
- Travel club for my students visiting historical sites
- Write a grant for my International Girls Group so they can go to camp