For many years, my family operated with one vehicle in which my husband drove off with it in the morning to work and I took Trimet everywhere else. Then my parents bought a new car for themselve and in a moment of genorisity gave us their old car. Instantly, we were a two car family which is a nice luxury but a royal pain when it is taken away. My car, my little Kia's allignment is off and the two front tires are completly ruined. I know this because I was driving along 82nd Ave when the passenger front tire burst apart in protest (this is not exactly the safest place to break down but there are worse places). After the AAA person gave me this lovely bit of news left us with one car again. Can't afford to get the car fixed plus new tires to yet.
However, the upside to this tale is that I live in Portland, OR, one of the most bike friendly cities in the nation. I have been admiring those diligent commuters for some time now. Friday afternoons I volunteered with the International Girls Group but instead of cancelling with the lame excuse of the car, I rode my bike and it was lovely. After all I am trying to find ways to increase my activity levels. God just decided to kick me out the door on this particular day!
If I have to ride at least it is in Portland, Oregon!
Daily Checkup: Water--could have done better
Activity: 1 hour yoga & 6 mile bike ride
Total steps: 128,000 (see Day 26)
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