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My goals for the future is to obtain a teaching/librarian job, lose weight, own a house, and to travel the world.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 83: One Project Down and One to Go

Sitting in the school library helps me to get a lot done, although my husband thinks I am completely bonkers.  I understand his frustration...my procrastination means time spent away from the family especially on a Sunday afternoon.  I need to work on this because as I said before procrastination sucks! 

The bright side is that I finished one major project with one more to go.  I do have some smaller assignments to complete but those won't take long.  Why is that I can cram 10 weeks worth of work in an week and half but I cannot complete over the course of a term?  This has always haunted me from 5th grade to the present and now my son is starting to do the same thing as me.  Great role model!  Although growing I did not have a role model as far as study habits are concerned.

It is interesting to sit in the university library and listen to a flurry of languages...Arabic, Chinese...I wish I could understand.  I wish I was the international student (or teacher).

As always, I welcome your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I want to shake you -- It kills me to watch you be frustrated with your study habits, but I am not the judge...there is nothing to fix, or set straight. I am only here to love you and tell you what an amazing person you are. Your soul is beautiful and I will wait....wait patiently for you to get through this ....the lessons you will teach yourself...I know you will conquer this....as you have conquered so many things. I adore you and all the things you want to do are so fabulous. They are there waiting for you .....the world is here to grab hold of .... just grab it ..... first you will go through whatever you will go through.... keep dreaming dreams and don't stop until they are fulfilled. I love you.
