About Me

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My goals for the future is to obtain a teaching/librarian job, lose weight, own a house, and to travel the world.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 5: Clean your way

Today, I almost lost my beloved pedometer but luckily I found it in my car; it never made into the school.  I was proud of myself because I packed my lunch and my snacks and did not stop to buy coffee.  This is a major accomplishment for me and my goal to reduce my spending habits.  I subbed in the afternoon and recognized a student from a long time ago.  Liam was in the Cbscouts with my son and his mother was the pack leader.  I left the pack because the mothers was a little too gossipy for me.  Oh well.  Liam was nice though. 

So I walked about 7000 steps; not bad.  Since I picked such a long "virtual" trail to walk on it will take more than a few days to complete but I am getting there.

While my health and exerise is one part of my blog, finishing the multitude of projects that I have started is the other part.  My first project is to cleann out my drawers, closets, and trunks.  I have too much stuff.
So one of my favorite blogs that I like to follow is http://minimalistadventures.blogspot.com/ , which talks about considering what possesions are truely important in your life.  By removing nonessential possesions you make room for other people and experiences to enter your life.  So I started cleaning my trunk and was surprised to find that several objects held no immediate memory for me; therefore, off to the Goodwill they will go.  It felt good to clean out my trunk.


  1. Hi I just started a blog about medical school myself and I know how important comments are so I wanted to leave a comment to let you know I stopped by and support your desire to be healthier and dcrease your spending. A food journal is one the best things that I have ever done. I still do from time to time when I feel like I am eating a lot of junk.

    Best of luck to you on your journey.

  2. Hi Kat,
    I know I keep changing my mind about making a blog, so for my crazy study schedule at the moment, I will enjoy yours !

    Here's a great link to healthy choices...sparkpeople.com. Go to the Healthy Lifestyle link and in the nutrition section there are great recipes for quick -- grab idea for the freezer and fridge.

    Thank you for your wonderful ideas, as always.

  3. Thanks for stopping by medschool8y! I just started and I am excited that I already have people reading my blog!

  4. Lynn you darling! Thankyou for reading my blog and supporting my journey--I will check you suggestion!
